I've been spending too much time with Stefan to post! It's been too much fun finding him all around the house, getting my daily does of hugs (at least 100 a day), and squealing at the cats. In fact I thought he'd stick around and play with all the xmas booty here in the living room a lot longer. But he's already off, and I need to go collect him and put a dent in the pile of dishes out in the kitchen.
Meanwhile, chew on this, I love it!!! Click Me (Free Range Kids)!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Cuteness
I keep meaning to sit and do a bunch of big, long meaningful posts on Christmas, relatives I wish he could meet, cute things he's doing, all the cool developmental stuff going on all of a sudden, etc. However, too much wins out over sitting at the computer (to my dismay). I'd love to sit here and type all day! right now I'm caught up in last minute gift preparation. I have two I'm deep into right now...one for Abbers, the other a surprise for my Mom, and I have 2 more I want to get done for xmas (absolutely no chance of that happening). Not for lack of planning, I started all this back in Oct., they are just taking a long time. For once, I decided to be prepared for xmas...oh yeah and I decided not to make everyone something, and follow the "rules"(I heard a massive sigh of relief to all those cheesey Lisa-gifts.) So in an effort to contribute something to the Stefan file, I present this small post about our cool morning.
After we all decided that we had to get up and go to work/get on with the day, though lazing about in bed was fun, I plopped Stefan down in the living room. He headed straight for his walking toy, but instead of pulling up to walk, he tried throwing his leg over the toy, to drive it. Still not tall enough to accomplish that, but after some assistance, he was on, and we wheeled around to the kitchen. He hopped of himself (so cool since I needed time to get breakfast going), and started the crawl-a-thon, while I unloaded dishes from the washer. We played chase a little, right in between the potatoes going in the pan, before the onions were cut. Then he decided to stay in the living room where the new weeble truck kept him occupied in there for at least 10 minutes (so cool!), before he came back for a ride in the Jonny Jump-up. Breakfast finished as he spun there, happily, and he flew over to the table where he proceeded to not to eat his tomato cereal. I guess I wouldn't have wanted that slop either, but it was worth a try. So I filled his dish with puffs and cheerios and he practiced picking them out with a spoon and throwing them on the table/floor, one by one (so cool!). I was so impressed by his spoon skills...once he's actually desiring food, he'll have mastered the mechanics of getting it to his mouth! Now he sits in my office, occupying himself with the rocking bear and emptying my work bags all over the floor. At least occasionally he's getting to put stuff back "IN", though I don't hold out hope that all my accouterments will make it back into the bag.
All of this is amazingly wonderful because for the past 2 hours I've had to do nothing to entertain the baby!! He's barely whined to be held and he's just having a blast, and so am I!!
After we all decided that we had to get up and go to work/get on with the day, though lazing about in bed was fun, I plopped Stefan down in the living room. He headed straight for his walking toy, but instead of pulling up to walk, he tried throwing his leg over the toy, to drive it. Still not tall enough to accomplish that, but after some assistance, he was on, and we wheeled around to the kitchen. He hopped of himself (so cool since I needed time to get breakfast going), and started the crawl-a-thon, while I unloaded dishes from the washer. We played chase a little, right in between the potatoes going in the pan, before the onions were cut. Then he decided to stay in the living room where the new weeble truck kept him occupied in there for at least 10 minutes (so cool!), before he came back for a ride in the Jonny Jump-up. Breakfast finished as he spun there, happily, and he flew over to the table where he proceeded to not to eat his tomato cereal. I guess I wouldn't have wanted that slop either, but it was worth a try. So I filled his dish with puffs and cheerios and he practiced picking them out with a spoon and throwing them on the table/floor, one by one (so cool!). I was so impressed by his spoon skills...once he's actually desiring food, he'll have mastered the mechanics of getting it to his mouth! Now he sits in my office, occupying himself with the rocking bear and emptying my work bags all over the floor. At least occasionally he's getting to put stuff back "IN", though I don't hold out hope that all my accouterments will make it back into the bag.
All of this is amazingly wonderful because for the past 2 hours I've had to do nothing to entertain the baby!! He's barely whined to be held and he's just having a blast, and so am I!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Happy Birthday, Monster!
So if I don't get lazy before the end of this post, I'll try to get some b-day pics up. There are 211 pics to sort through, not all b-day, but I'm not sure I'm doing that now. Hopefully before the end of the weekend.
It's been an interesting day. Who knew that the 1st birthday isn't special just because he's made it through a practically arbitrary amount of days, but also personally for me as well. I suppose if I didn't choose to reflect on where I was "a year ago this very hour" throughout the day, it wouldn't have been as thought provoking. I've lost touch with enough of the painful details of that whole process to want to do it again, as opposed to last year, right before this day, where I was questioning if I'd ever have another child again. The physical pain hasn't stuck, besides I know it's the worst pain I've ever felt (...OK and I know the verbal description I came up with right after, but to imagine having the same pain now, I can't quite remember it to the full extent). The amount time I spent in labor hasn't really stuck, though I can tell you the number of nights I spent in contractions, how many times I was sent home from the hospital, and how long it was before I could finally hold my little boy for the first time (about 4 hours...the last one spent hoping he'd be in my arms before all the pending visitors we due to arrive). I almost wanted to drive over to the hospital today just because that place now has a really special meaning to me. Plus I'd love to bump into the lactation consultant who was also my nurse for the whole delivery and a couple of times through my stay (I was there for 4 days, and also was the nurse I had for both the times before they sent me home). I'd love to thank her so much! I don't know if I'm being silly, or hormonal, but I really hope I get to have another baby. I want to do this all over again, knowing better what to expect, and what not to have any expectations of. I feel like there were some really annoying parts I'd like to redo, and I need a second chance to do some things I forgot the first time (have the birth plan, sit in the hot tub, and have some soft music...though I'll not get any of those as I'm looking at an C); And I'm excited to repeat some things I liked, and meet all of it with at least a little experience. I'd like a do-over, please. Enough about me.
Today started in the usual way: babbling over breakfast. The eve of this day, Stefan started saying, "Dad." with the most clarity I've ever heard. I think I know now why they can do dad first...it's not mechanics ;)... it's just so endearing, how could a dad not want to gobble the baby up because of his cuteness after he heard that? He practiced all morning...afternoon...and evening. "Dad" in cat voice, "Dad" in Stefan monotone, "Dad" in angry voice, "Dad" in listless babble voice....etc. After breakfast, there was a dance party nap, that lasted for 15 minutes and concluded with Stefan standing at the side of his crib squeaking in cat voice.
We decided to head out instead of beating the dead nap horse and checked out the local Christmas stuff. Ultimately, we ended up at Santa's Village, where one can have pictures with Santa, see a toy work shop with Elves (I was kind of disappointed they were full sized adults working inside), visit Rudolph and the rest of the gang, sit in a stationary sleigh, and hang with some elves picnicking outside. We skipped Santa; Stefan has just gotten over going to familiar people without crying for me, it's not fair to subject him to a crazy red, bearded man, notorious for making babies cry. But he loved looking at the trains speed around the toy shop's perimeter (good thing, I hear he'll be inheriting some), and the reindeer. Rudolph was really interested in meeting him as well, but unfortunately they had a double fence up and we couldn't get too close.
We found a whole bunch of cool non-dairy treats at the grocery store and headed home. I made some more meatballs and sauce, and he had a little bit. Then, with excitement, I pulled out the ice cream...he wasn't such a fan. I'm not sure if it was the sweetness or the temperature...he had more fun feeding it to me than himself.I was a little disappointed he didn't share the same fondness for the icy treat I hold so dear! We found new ways to walk the push toy he got for his birthday, took a rocking bear ride, and had fun playing with the singing frog/ball rolling toy (he can now do most everything on that toy made for an 18 mo!), but he was soon too tired to deal with life, and went to bed. Toss in a bit more playing, crawling, and walking around throughout the day, and there you have it: Stefan's first birthday!
It's been an interesting day. Who knew that the 1st birthday isn't special just because he's made it through a practically arbitrary amount of days, but also personally for me as well. I suppose if I didn't choose to reflect on where I was "a year ago this very hour" throughout the day, it wouldn't have been as thought provoking. I've lost touch with enough of the painful details of that whole process to want to do it again, as opposed to last year, right before this day, where I was questioning if I'd ever have another child again. The physical pain hasn't stuck, besides I know it's the worst pain I've ever felt (...OK and I know the verbal description I came up with right after, but to imagine having the same pain now, I can't quite remember it to the full extent). The amount time I spent in labor hasn't really stuck, though I can tell you the number of nights I spent in contractions, how many times I was sent home from the hospital, and how long it was before I could finally hold my little boy for the first time (about 4 hours...the last one spent hoping he'd be in my arms before all the pending visitors we due to arrive). I almost wanted to drive over to the hospital today just because that place now has a really special meaning to me. Plus I'd love to bump into the lactation consultant who was also my nurse for the whole delivery and a couple of times through my stay (I was there for 4 days, and also was the nurse I had for both the times before they sent me home). I'd love to thank her so much! I don't know if I'm being silly, or hormonal, but I really hope I get to have another baby. I want to do this all over again, knowing better what to expect, and what not to have any expectations of. I feel like there were some really annoying parts I'd like to redo, and I need a second chance to do some things I forgot the first time (have the birth plan, sit in the hot tub, and have some soft music...though I'll not get any of those as I'm looking at an C); And I'm excited to repeat some things I liked, and meet all of it with at least a little experience. I'd like a do-over, please. Enough about me.
Today started in the usual way: babbling over breakfast. The eve of this day, Stefan started saying, "Dad." with the most clarity I've ever heard. I think I know now why they can do dad first...it's not mechanics ;)... it's just so endearing, how could a dad not want to gobble the baby up because of his cuteness after he heard that? He practiced all morning...afternoon...and evening. "Dad" in cat voice, "Dad" in Stefan monotone, "Dad" in angry voice, "Dad" in listless babble voice....etc. After breakfast, there was a dance party nap, that lasted for 15 minutes and concluded with Stefan standing at the side of his crib squeaking in cat voice.
We decided to head out instead of beating the dead nap horse and checked out the local Christmas stuff. Ultimately, we ended up at Santa's Village, where one can have pictures with Santa, see a toy work shop with Elves (I was kind of disappointed they were full sized adults working inside), visit Rudolph and the rest of the gang, sit in a stationary sleigh, and hang with some elves picnicking outside. We skipped Santa; Stefan has just gotten over going to familiar people without crying for me, it's not fair to subject him to a crazy red, bearded man, notorious for making babies cry. But he loved looking at the trains speed around the toy shop's perimeter (good thing, I hear he'll be inheriting some), and the reindeer. Rudolph was really interested in meeting him as well, but unfortunately they had a double fence up and we couldn't get too close.
We found a whole bunch of cool non-dairy treats at the grocery store and headed home. I made some more meatballs and sauce, and he had a little bit. Then, with excitement, I pulled out the ice cream...he wasn't such a fan. I'm not sure if it was the sweetness or the temperature...he had more fun feeding it to me than himself.I was a little disappointed he didn't share the same fondness for the icy treat I hold so dear! We found new ways to walk the push toy he got for his birthday, took a rocking bear ride, and had fun playing with the singing frog/ball rolling toy (he can now do most everything on that toy made for an 18 mo!), but he was soon too tired to deal with life, and went to bed. Toss in a bit more playing, crawling, and walking around throughout the day, and there you have it: Stefan's first birthday!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Calgon....take me away!
3-9 hours?!? Well, it's been a challenging morning, and our afternoon musical performance should be interesting. By then we'll be around hour 6. I drank regular coke like it was going out of style during pregnancy...I was a little annoyed with all the "Dont's" of pregnancy, and felt entitled. Apparently, it didn't help decrease his sensitivity to caffeine. It had to go when he was and infant, due to sensitivity. I recently added more frequent caffeine consumption back into my diet due to a rash of migraines and desire to drink real coffee even if I couldn't but real dairy into it. Have you ever had almond milk and decaf? Cloudy brown water. So, now a can of coke doesn't really touch my headaches like it used to and I'm back to Excedrin...which is exceptionally strong, but better than prescription med's (If you're breastfeeding and taking Imitrex, watch out, for me, it had really painful side effects...which were bad with expired pills, and much worse with the fresh ones). Yeah, so I could just about re-shingle the roof in this 14 degree weather with all the hyper energy I have (I hate caffeine, BTW)...still bearing a headache, but not hailing any porcelain goddesses over it this week (thankfully). And for Stefan....
IDK, but I'm doubting percentages of caffeine that actually get into milk. Or I'm blessed with the most hyper sensitive child ever....who is right now talking cat voice (those wicked high pitched babble screams), in his crib for the 3rd nap attempt today. It is amusing to find him in all sorts of interesting crib positions now that he can get to sitting and standing on his own (though you wouldn't know that he could do that from the tantrums he throws when I put him down on the floor...where he lays for 15 minutes...until I leave the room...then he's happily able to get up on his own again).
So, babies and caffeine, don't mix. Especially when mom has a headache and he has the pitch of a dog whistle...can you say F#9...gah!! And I promise to have more interesting, informative posts soon with a few less run-on sentences...just recuperating from the b-day bash and work etc.
IDK, but I'm doubting percentages of caffeine that actually get into milk. Or I'm blessed with the most hyper sensitive child ever....who is right now talking cat voice (those wicked high pitched babble screams), in his crib for the 3rd nap attempt today. It is amusing to find him in all sorts of interesting crib positions now that he can get to sitting and standing on his own (though you wouldn't know that he could do that from the tantrums he throws when I put him down on the floor...where he lays for 15 minutes...until I leave the room...then he's happily able to get up on his own again).
So, babies and caffeine, don't mix. Especially when mom has a headache and he has the pitch of a dog whistle...can you say F#9...gah!! And I promise to have more interesting, informative posts soon with a few less run-on sentences...just recuperating from the b-day bash and work etc.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Yipiyuk
By Shel Silverstein
In the swamplands long ago,Where the weeds and mudglumps grow, A Yipiyuk bit on my toe…
Exactly why I do not know.
I kicked and cried
And hollered “Oh”—
The Yipiyuk would not let go.
I whispered to him soft and low—
The Yipiyuk would not let go.
I shouted “Stop,” “Desist” and “Whoa”—
The Yipiyuk would not let go.
Yes, it was sixteen years ago,
The Yipiyuk still won’t let go.
The snow may fall,
The winds may blow—
The Yipiyuk will not let go.
The snow may melt,
The grass may grow—
The Yipiyuk will not let go.
I drag him ‘round each place I go.
This Yipiyuk that won’t let go.
And now my child at last you know
Exactly why I walk so slow.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Food Allergy in the News
Maybe food allergies (thanx Lis!) aren't all they're cracked up to be. I've been wondering why they are on the rise and also what we've done to give them to him. Turns out it's genetic, but no one I know has food allergies in either of our families...oh well, so much for that. Unfortunately, our dairy one fits under the severe anaphylaxis type....but I may consider having an oral challenge done before next Sept. (the time of yearly allergy check-in) for the nut thing, if it turns out to be too much restriction to his diet. Right now he's far too fickle to make that worth it.
And now, back to getting the house ready for the Birthday Bash!
And now, back to getting the house ready for the Birthday Bash!
Monday, December 6, 2010
EDD December 6th
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Listless snowflakes I've been enjoying the past few days. |
For many months I looked forward to this day. It now holds no special meaning, except as a shadow of the day I expected you. It's Santa's birthday, you could have shared it with him...you also chose to not share your birthday with my dad on the 10th, or my friend Jeanne on the 12th, though they were hoping. I bet you'll appreciate having it be your own day, though sharing Santa's birthday would have been the coolest!
Expected Due Dates are kind of evil...it gets everyone's hopes up, and makes the mommy's really cranky when they are passed. The kitties were getting tired of being surrogate babies...
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"Don't even think about it!" |
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"Zzzzzzzz...." |
So you ring in you EDD with the corner of a new tooth. I'm so happy your in a better humor today. You were the yippiyuck. Today, smiles and giggles as we prepare for Monday night football...which means resting up now, since we have to get up early tomorrow. Maybe we'll play with all the birthday and Christmas toys we opened early:).
These days you're a crawling machine, you've started venturing on two feet holding on to only walls or with one hand. You're a pro in the Jonny Jump-up, and the cats are constantly on the run, or protecting their food dishes. You're still amazed by your hands, love peek-a-boo, light/fan strings, and chimes. You've only had one run in with the Christmas tree. You're sleeping well on your own.
Most exciting, last week you had the best Kindermusik class ever! I had to actually find you and bring you back to the circle. You were crawling everywhere, head butting other babies, and making a lot of new friends. You crawled through the scarf tunnel along with the other babies and were content to let Mom teach while you had fun on your own. After class, you chilled right out side the room, though you could hear class, I heard your attention was on watching the older children play. You don't know how wonderful Mom thinks that all is! I'm so proud of you, Monster!
I can't think of anything else to catch you up on right now and I had better hop on lunch before you wake. We'll catch up more later:).
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Cat Food Fun!
We have photo shoots quite frequently here. The fun has really ramped up in the past few weeks, now that HE does cool stuff and I'm not trying to pose him. It seems forever ago that I was satisfied to just get him to smile in a cute outfit, and now we have action shots! I'm also becoming a quite proficient at photo hosting sites, and incorporating things into this blog. I love learning new things and I feel so accomplished to figure it all out, usually without the help of a "Help file"...directions-smirections...I don't read that stuff ever anyway.
So here is a photo essay of the fun he decided to have in the cat food the other night!
So here is a photo essay of the fun he decided to have in the cat food the other night!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Picture Day
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Oatmeal fun. |
I felt bad never letting him make a mess, so we got jiggy in the breafast this morning. Instant oatmeal makes a fine paste, fun to frost the table with.
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Orange peels IN, that's right folks, IN!! |
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Hanging with Mom with my happy face. |
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Mum, mum, mum mum mum...(this is the only face I see when he says "mom", the face that WANTS something). |
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Froggy Face |
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Catching up on some email, then off to write some code... |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
'Tis the Season
This is officially the first decoration to go up...brand new, no lead in these babies! I was kinda disappointed in their shape at first...I really like the little globe ones we had last year. Those were the leaded ones that I had up for the weekend...when Sean informed me Stefan shouldn't touch them. Great. He hadn't been touching them too much since the LED points right into his eyes at certain angles. I didn't want him to get too cozy with them and blind himself. However, Stefan was building quite a relationship with the strand of lights...well more of a fixation, so I'm happy we now have a set that he can interact with a little. I also was haunted by the old globe string. It is the strand I passed by hundreds of times while waiting for the little booger to come out last year. They were one of the only decorations we set out.Oh wait, there was a huge box of decorations I inherited from my Grandparents house, but that came later. There was no tree, so lights took center stage. Not to go on about 4 nights of disorganized labor, but as Husband slept peacefully, I was left to do laps with the cats, creating a track between the coffee tables and couch, over to the turtle tank, past the fish, down the hall, around the kitchen and back again...and again...and again. All I put on were those lights, so I could close my eyes while I walked and catch the closest thing I'd have to sleep in those 4 days. Briefly I'd break on the exercise ball and will the baby out. It's the least effective labor starter...but it made my sore body feel better. Anyway, I cringed passing by the globe lights this year, and I'm happy the new ones will create their own memories...and Stefan's first xmas memories. He was there for last year's xmas, but at a week old, he didn't care. My grandfather had passed away a few weeks earlier, I was unable to be with my family, stuck at home nursing the operation and a newborn, it wasn't the holiday I'm used to. This year is going to be a blast though, with Abby's and Stefan's first Real Christmas!
The past few days have been really interesting and SO MUCH FUN!!! I've been waiting for this since I've wanted children...so like 30 years, I guess. Stefan is all over the place, and so happy! I haven't yet resorted to gates too, so we play a game where I let him go, talk to him as he escapes to the other end of the house, reel him in and set him free all over again. It makes getting chores done less painful. He's usually babbling or squeaking as he goes, so I haven't completely lost him yet. He has predictable pit stops...cat food dishes, recycle box/shopping bag shelf, cat water fountain, living room...by the time he gets to the living room, I've scooped him up, so I can only guess where he's headed at that point (xmas lights, trash can, entertainment center doors, other doors, wires...).
Last week Stefan had his first hands on cooking lesson. He met sugar and cranberries. In mere minutes he was covered in sugar, and cranberries were everywhere (there were only 3 though, I don't want to clean too much). He had a great fine motor skill work out with the berries. It was less fun picking sugar out of his eyes. I stopped myself before putting him in a pan of water (to dissolve the sugar). It seemed like a good solution until I remembered it's drafty winter and I wasn't in the mood to pick up a water mess..."Bad Idea" Jeans (...that is the brand of jeans Shawnee and I wore when we made silly decisions that seemed perfectly logical when they commenced). Last night, he helped saute onions, and this morning he was scrambling Dad's eggs. Then stirring up his oatmeal and cranberry sauce unassisted (which is the outcome of the cranberry cooking). Unfortunately, most of the food we're doing these days is highly staining, and I don't want him to totally immerse himself in it, again, because I'm not cleaning the mess. I'm not adverse to messes, just not wanting to clean at the times that he is making them:)
So our future holiday plans...they involve a tree and decking the house out. It is finally my turn to pass on Xmas traditions. I'm thinking I'll give that topic an entire post though, plus I really have to get stuff done during this precious nap time. So until I'm procrastinating again, I bid you adieu!
The past few days have been really interesting and SO MUCH FUN!!! I've been waiting for this since I've wanted children...so like 30 years, I guess. Stefan is all over the place, and so happy! I haven't yet resorted to gates too, so we play a game where I let him go, talk to him as he escapes to the other end of the house, reel him in and set him free all over again. It makes getting chores done less painful. He's usually babbling or squeaking as he goes, so I haven't completely lost him yet. He has predictable pit stops...cat food dishes, recycle box/shopping bag shelf, cat water fountain, living room...by the time he gets to the living room, I've scooped him up, so I can only guess where he's headed at that point (xmas lights, trash can, entertainment center doors, other doors, wires...).
Last week Stefan had his first hands on cooking lesson. He met sugar and cranberries. In mere minutes he was covered in sugar, and cranberries were everywhere (there were only 3 though, I don't want to clean too much). He had a great fine motor skill work out with the berries. It was less fun picking sugar out of his eyes. I stopped myself before putting him in a pan of water (to dissolve the sugar). It seemed like a good solution until I remembered it's drafty winter and I wasn't in the mood to pick up a water mess..."Bad Idea" Jeans (...that is the brand of jeans Shawnee and I wore when we made silly decisions that seemed perfectly logical when they commenced). Last night, he helped saute onions, and this morning he was scrambling Dad's eggs. Then stirring up his oatmeal and cranberry sauce unassisted (which is the outcome of the cranberry cooking). Unfortunately, most of the food we're doing these days is highly staining, and I don't want him to totally immerse himself in it, again, because I'm not cleaning the mess. I'm not adverse to messes, just not wanting to clean at the times that he is making them:)
So our future holiday plans...they involve a tree and decking the house out. It is finally my turn to pass on Xmas traditions. I'm thinking I'll give that topic an entire post though, plus I really have to get stuff done during this precious nap time. So until I'm procrastinating again, I bid you adieu!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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