Che-che Kul: Various
Smarty pants is back at it...being too smart for his own good. There have been a few things he's done, let me see if I can remember them all.
The one that stands out foremost is fake choking. Apparently I react to that one, because he uses it a lot. It's also not out of the ordinary that he chokes (well gags, not actual Heimlich gasping) so I have reason to drop everything and watch him (besides being an over protective parent). In addition, it's a symptom of allergies, so it's important that I make sure he's doing important things like breathing when he starts making those noises. It's his "pay attention to me" sound, ya know because I'm not doing that enough already. He usually does it while I'm making him food...for him...what a goober!
Because Mommy is sooooo adament about socks not going in Stefan's mouth, they continue to go there, now along with bibs , booties and shirts. Then they are carried around, like a dog with a toy, until he tires of the game. (Sorry if that is a repeat, he looks so absurd doing this).
He's developed this hilarious fake laugh complete with gafaws and squinted up eyes. He unleashed it on the mildly annoying lady at the S&S yesterday. It sounded like he was mimicking her and he gave it to her as she was begging for a smile from him. His switched off after a couple of seconds and his face went completely dead pan. Nice.
He knows his food cabinet, "chooses" his own food (well he grabs the jar he is sure he wants, though they all look pretty much the same despite the contents), immediately directs it toward the microwave by handing it to me and pointing where I need to go next. Then points for me to get him to the spoon pail. There he selects his favorite spoon of the minute, and by then, 30 seconds has elapsed and the food is ready.
The "Happy to Be Home Dance" (imagine jazz hands and vigorous head shaking) continues (I think I've mentioned that one). I know there is one more cheeky thing he's started doing, but I can't remember it now. Aight, ff to find a song to accompany this post...though OK GO Shoot the moon, I'm lovin' hearing that one when ever I preview my posts!
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