So like everything in baby land, things happen then they unhappen and rehappen again. Though he's been OK with nursing while I eat milk, he's gotten rather cranky over the past week or 3. I'm going to cut it out again to clear up the cranky, but not totally exclude it, after my system is more free of the casein. We went a little bonkers catching up on lost dairy time.
I wanted posts in here to be beneficial to others who may have babies with milk allergies. There is a wealth of information on the interwebs about it though. I'm sure this blog won't come up in anyone's search. But if you're reading and know someone else who is going through anything like this, then maybe per chance it will help. So at 10 months, Stefan is sensitized to the casein in my milk such that it only causes a little itchiness on his cheeks, solved effectively by medicated cream (prescription from the Pedi.). I think his demeanor is effected, he's so clingy and cranky. But he is a rather clingy child at this point anyway. (A child's behavior isn't who he is, it's "where" they are, developmentally.) In rare cases, like Stef's, in addition to rashes and intestinal stuff, there is Anaphylaxis. The culprit was a little piece of cheese I gave him, since I thought he was over the allergy at that point. I think the cheese was about the size of a finger nail, I couldn't really discern how much was missing from the little piece I put in front of him. Poor kid REALLY liked the good stuff, too! He was sucking it a bit. Then he kinda sat still, like something was up. He rarely projectile vomits, but that was next and I knew it was coming. Then some swelling and hives and his breathing was labored and he was wheezing. This went on probably for a minute and subsided. If it hadn't, I would have been on my way to the Dr's or hospital with him. As the reaction calmed, he only had the rash and I could hear that his air way was a still a bit effected, as he was kind of wheezing still, and his voice was horse. By the end of the day, you wouldn't have known anything happened. So we're back to hardcore label reading, since it's tricky knowing if there is milk in certain things. Whey is also on the no-no list. fortunately, recently companies spell out if there is milk in their products at the end of the ingredient list, along with notification of gluten and soy. However some do not. So I read everything from all of them all the time. Dear Pizza, until we meet again, I bid you adieu...
Now the personal Lisa and Stefan update:
The past week has been a blur...and so too will this one be. A lot of work not done because Stefan was rather cranky (I got to make that up last night and today...nothing like living on the edge...I never know how a class is going to go when I don't get to prepare on my own timeline). Then came Abbstock '10. aka Abbypalooza. Saturday we were her buddies and traveled all around the state, ending up in Madison at Hammonasset beach for the annual Buddy Walk to raise money and awareness for children with Down Syndrome. I wish I had remembered my parasail as I haven't been out in such wind in....who knows. Stefan was in his baby bunker buggy, I'm not sure how much of the ocean view he actually enjoyed from there. We had a fun time with Abby and family, and extended family, and friends of family and friends!
On Sunday we returned to Abbyville, and arrived very late to her christening. I heard it was wonderful. However we did get to hang out in the secret cozy room with Emily and Penny, Abby's aunt/godmother and 3 week old cousin. I've never seen a newborn smile until Penelope!! She just has this smile about her all the time, it's beautiful:) Then we had some good times at our own private christening, Abby style, on Aunt France's floor. In fact the floor was christened as well...If Melissa would just dress her in clothes she liked the first time, Abby may not feel the need to spit up all over everything! Just sayin'.
Today, back to the work week and demonstration Monday was a bust, but for the two wonderful Mom's and babies I met in class. Luckily, only a couple more scheduled demo days before that whole thing is dropped and I can get back to actually making money for a day's work. Tomorrow will be a marathon, day care teaching in the morning, classes at night, and Wednesday, free demos and classes at night again. Then flute-repairs until 5:00 pm Friday, lessons, more repairs, and hopefully a break sometime next week(?). Here's to hoping Stefan isn't a cranky pants this week because I can't fit that into the schedule!
Time to bust out the Shipyard imperial 4-pack I picked up today...Sean gets the XXXX IPA (racy!), and I'm saving the Smashed Pumpkin for Halloween (OMG best pumpkin beer EVER!). Stout for later(in the week...I do have to go to work tomorrow!) and Barley Wine style for...well right now!
LOL heyyyyyyyyy about the clothes! TWO days in a row now Abby came home from daycare in the same clothes I dressed her in! I guess she liked those outfits.