Thursday, October 21, 2010

Other Wee Minds

"Instead of categorizing into able and disabled, I see us all as interconnected. And I believe that every person has something to teach me, just as I have something to offer in return."
~Amy Julia Becker, "Is it Harder to Have a Child With Down Syndrome?"
Thank you Melissa for the link to this article on your blog!

Last night I taught a demonstration class (a one-time, free class offered to those interested in Kindermusik), to a group of children with differing abilities. Actually, that is a term I hesitate to use as a label, as we all have differing abilities, which is often evident in music classes. "Special Needs" would be an alternative, but technically, we all have those as well. That is why I'm liking "interconnected" today.

I was so fortunate to be reminded of how much I love working with children, and even more, those who have challenges in life that I will never know. Some people believe in auras and I believe classes have auras. A bit of a simplistic way to talk about class dynamics- which DO exist. You know, you enter a room and you can feel the energy the people in it bring (calm, excited, etc), or don't. Some classes have some great energy and this was one of them. I find that classes with children who have special needs often have a very strong energy...often, one of pride and accomplishment, mixed in with extreme love and trust, but also with a hint of frustration and apprehension. The last two energies, seemingly negative, make the positives ones all that more tremendous.These energies wax and wane through class, every minute is different, and where I end up is usually not where I intended to be when I started, but often it's much better than I would have imagined. So exhilarating!!

I have felt the stress these past few weeks to learn so many lessons, songs, dances, poems, and activities; to "run" the music studio as if I was the owner, as I'm the only teacher Tuesday nights; and function as the cleaning close-up crew, not to mention, being a mom in the down time. However, I was reminded by these wonderful children  how much I love what I do. I loved, loved loved the joy in the face of a little girl who threw the ball back to me, better and better every time. Then the excitement of a little boy who discovered the instrument containers sprung precociously, and though he wandered, he was quick to "return" to class to help us clean, spring containers, and take out instruments for the next activity. My favorite part...for the first time, though I can't pretend to fully understand what these specific families go through, I was able to experience their accomplishments through "Mother eyes", and I feel how much more intense the emotions are because of this.

It was an experience to go in my memory banks. One that refreshed my enthusiasm and wiped away the troubles of the past weeks. A class filled with children many people wouldn't expect to dance or sing or play instruments well, but did, and with great success. I thank them, as I think they offered me more than I taught them.

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