Thursday, November 4, 2010

November Rain

April Rain Song
Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night -
And I love the rain.
- Langston Hughes (1902-1967).

I'm entrenched in "one of those days"...morning rain wrapped around me in the AM, and I sighed to leave bed for the giggles of an awake baby. I told him it wasn't light enough for anyone to be up...and he listened! I returned to bed to hear the dripping lullaby again. Unfortunately, no one delivers donuts around here, not that I can eat the dairy laden gold right now, and I had to get up to make breakfast. Stefan clinging (after a changing table nightmare he created), I fried up eggs, potatoes, onions and Sean's beloved canned hash (pleh), and enjoyed a whiny breakfast with the baby. On to the next ritual, nursing and catching up on my buds, who are all on the interwebs while sinking more and more into "one of those days." In between blogs and pictures (Abby has some amazing new shots and we NEED the # of her photographer!), I am not able to shake the mood, rain drops pouring outside, gray autumn skies, dark green and brown autumn, as the pines are some of the only color left to see. Kelle says we need gray...I agree...yellow wouldn't be as cheery without the contrasting gray. My grays don't even compare to hers, time to snap out of it. After some thought, mine aren't gray at all, they are void of any color, and hence, need to go. Jamie helped me out there, and it's now a link in my tool bar for any other colorless day because I love love LOVE it so much and really, life shouldn't be wasted on thoughts pallid...I'm letting go, this too shall pass. 

I also got to chat with Melissa, I love IM! I've learned more and become "closer" to her since we started hanging out online...ironic since being in the same family for 29 years didn't create more than a casual cousin relationship. She's had a string of deep posts that make me step back a regain perspective as well. While we Im'ed, she mentioned my grandmother, who passed away before any of us even wanted to know the word "Baby"...hence the "Slow Race" to see who was going to get pregnant last, a race we both stopped running without telling each other until Fritz Fetus appeared. And again with the irony, I was just thinking about Grandma over breakfast this morning, wishing she could have met Stefan, and Melissa and I talked about basically how much she'd love all the little babies here recently. More commentary on that in a future post when I can give her and a couple of others the time they deserve;). That'll be a toughie though so, how about checking this out one more time :): OK Go!

How about some sunny fall fun! He's loving his walks around the back yard (despite my aching back!), picking leaves and pine needles, and checking out every little thing. I've had a run of cool pictures and videos I'm trying to figure how to post effectively. However, I really need to finish the carpet removal and great office/bedroom switch before I go nuts blogging- not to mention all the work related hooky I'm playing this very minute. Anyway, like Kelle, I felt I needed a project on top of teaching, baby,  and all the house stuff yet undone. About 3 feet of carpet strips and a pile of carpet left to remove in my current office (hopefully I'll get through without bloodying myself further)! Nom nom, don't you wish you were me?!


  1. actually i've only been in the family for 30 years. :)

  2. I know :) I have to change that...


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