Monday, January 31, 2011

Hurray for snow days!

We've officially had enough snow days for me to catch up on work (I have had my current lessons prepared for a couple of weeks now), house (I'm ahead of the dishes!), and paying attention to baby (instead of fighting him to occupy himself while I accomplished the aforementioned). Even cooler, tomorrow is a snow day that I won't have to wake up at 6 am to decide if it is safe to drive, or fret over being down on the shore while snow accumulates, and I actually get to have it be a snow day without all that other stuff hanging over my head. I have 2 goals: write a work blog entry and chill with the baby. Oh yeah, and recuperate from this stupid cold. I actually got Stefan to nap with me today, it was beautiful, and restful. Enough about my accomplishments. I'm so psyched I am in front of a computer in a timely fashion to record Stefan's accomplishments.

Recently, I think he's either been signing "milk" or waving. The jury is still out as he doesn't do the hand motions enough to attribute to either. Which ever it is, it's a new development and either would be cool.

Today he started voluntarily walking while only holding one of our hands. Another step toward independence, and cleaner hands.

Today when I asked if he was hungry and wanted food in his belly, he pointed to his stomach. I did it a couple of times, same result:). Then while we read the 12 days of Christmas (illustrated with Anne Gedes babys) we found a baby putting a mallet in his mouth. I drew Stefan's attention to it and he too pointed to his mouth.

He's started trying to put socks and shoes on by himself. OK that only means touching them to his feet, but I'm excited he knows where the clothing goes.

That is all I can remember for now. Time to have a snow night!

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