Friday, January 28, 2011

Flu Shot Failure

When I received the card urging me to get a flu shot for Stefan, I weighed the pros and cons, and though I didn't want him to get it necessarily, I ended up making an appointment. I never get them, work with children daily and have never had the flu, but insurance was covering it, and I really wouldn't want my son to be sick, right? As it turned out, I had to cancel the appointment for some reason, and in the meantime had opted not to reschedule. I didn't give the whole thing much of a thought until our Pedi visit yesterday. It came up with the nurse that he hadn't had one, and she was strongly urging me to give him one, since she has them yearly (who knows how that is justification, but whatever). I still didn't want him to have it really. After a very brief discussion with the Doc, it turns out we were very lucky to not have given him one.

For all of you out there managing an egg allergy: Flu shots contain egg!

Despite how I felt the day I realized he was allergic to certain egg proteins when prepared a certain way, I'm so glad I didn't find it out through the flu shot.

As for the 1 year check up, a month late, Stefan is 19lb (I can't remember the ounces) and 29.5 inches. Otherwise healthy. Woot. Well, except for a cold and the allergies :(. On the bright side, I've been having lots of cuddle time with the little booger and fortunately a ton of snow days and not much repair to be able to accommodate all the snuggles.

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