Monday, February 14, 2011

Weey Weaning: Day 1.5

So this post starts my weaning project. After reading some stuff and trusting my gut on how to go about this (but no contacting my lactation guru, Lisa, so I may be throwing this plan out the door), I've decided to start wean the monster. I actually started last night, since Stefan has been having some great luck with solid foods lately. I wrote a post on that, but I'm pretty sure I was waiting to attach a picture...I'll pop that one up too.

I nurse "on demand" so when I read that the best thing to do is start by dropping one feeding, just doesn't work like that here. In one hour, especially at night, he may be "demanding" to be fed every 20 minutes...just a sip, but a feeding nonetheless. So I've decided to tackle habitual feeding times; right after solid feedings and right after waking from daytime naps, and hopefully soon, pre-sleep nursing. I'm trying to get him to drink other milk, or if that is refused, juice or water. He needs calories, so I'm not restricting them by limiting juice, etc. Yesterday we had some epic tantrums when I left off post nap nursing. After a noisy while,  he decided he'd be up for tortillas and puffs with a side of Silk (bleh). Luckily Sean's video games kind of distracted him while I sat next to him and Sean and I ignored him until it all blew over. Today, I was more successful with putting off the post breakfast feeding while I gave him a cooking lesson on how to prep for squash soup. He's keen on puffs and cheerios, which he snacked on last week in place of nursing, which was so exciting to be able to teach and not have to leave the room in the middle of everything to satisfy the crank pants.

I've fallen back into the habit of nursing him to sleep, since it was just easier then propping myself up on the bars of his crib and rubbing his back, the circulation being cut off of my arms and hands. Plus he was teething (first year molar), so it was just working all around better; because snuggling in a rocking chair while I doze  to lullabies is much more pleasing than dangling cribside. Anyway, I was able to get him to sleep in 2 songs this morning, so it worked out fine.

Once the nursing isn't associated with sleep or post solid eating, I will work to start refusing him all together except for feedings I want to keep (ie the ones that relieve my body and nourish him through the night or first thing in the morning). So far, it is seeming like it is going to be very hard for him to break and harder for me to say no. How can I turn down my begging 1-year old, with his down turned frown and tragically sad eyes,  from the one thing that has offered him comfort for his whole 1 year life? Despite totally rearranging my diet and lifestyle (I'll put it out there that this food elimination/allergy runs that deep), I'm still not annoyed enough to toss breastfeeding out the window.

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