Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Alternative Baby Wipes

I was bored of the same old same old and had been meaning to revisit homemade baby wipes. Last time I was ripping select -a-size Bounty in half....great thickness, held water excellent, but I couldn't find an appropriate container so that they could be pulled out easily while elbow deep in poo. Also the unrolling, ripping in half, refolding was a bit monotonous. Diaper rash is also a consideration in my experiment.

Baby oil is an alternative to water/soapy water, for stuck poo. I don't necessarily like using strictly baby oil, and rely on traditional wipes for big messes. It does remove the poo though, FYI. Due to more frequent diaper rashes, I've been following using MY wipe to dry the traditional wipe's dampness left on Baby. It leaves behind a little oil as well, further helping the rashes.

Start with a large container able to fit a roll of toilet paper, baby oil, and a roll of toilet paper.

 Next gently pull the cardboard center from the roll.

 You'll use the roll from the inside out. Douse generously with oil and use. I add extra oil along the way, if it seems too dry, I flip the roll around to keep it evenly dispersed. Basically, I rub the paper on my skin and if it leaves a scent or shine, I feel like there is enough. If you use it for poo, you may need more oil.

Taa Daa, You've just Marth Stewarted some diaper wipes. Less irritating and more cost effective! 
Take that Pampers!

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