Thursday, March 3, 2011

Outside My Box

I pride myself on thinking outside the box...between Sean and I, we can usually solve most anything. He's the voice of reason and logic, I'm the voice of trying something completely off the wall that just might work. This post isn't so outside the box, but enough away from the usual morning routine that I had some fun with it. Enough about us.

The other morning, instead of deterring Monster from the toy we seemed to have purchased unwittingly, the dishwasher, I let him have at it. I closed up the soap flippy soap door, the best part of the toy, and emptied all but his spoons. I put out the spoon holder and went on to happily do other kitchen stuff without having to locate the baby, as he's typically a free range baby most of the time. I'd say, generously, I had a whole 15 minutes to accomplish anything I wanted, in the confines of the kitchen. never thought I'd be pleased to make that statement.

 Spoons went in, spoons went out, over and under. Spoons needed a rewash, but Baby was happy and that is all I live for these days:). Regardless, I love watching him play and learn. I can't wait for him to be able to tell us what is going on in that little head of his!

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