To whom it may concern,
I'm sorry Mom didn't get very much done for you today. The dishes were left on the counter a little longer, the garden only half weeded, only 1 of two flutes repaired, and the office carpet is still only a little cut up instead of removed. My room goes unpainted another day, only one Kindermusik class practiced (though she is really excited about where she practiced that one lesson), and only one chapter of educational reading completed. Lunch was hot dogs instead of something much more healthy and yummy and only the diapers were washed, leaving 2 more loads until who knows when. I do apologize, but we had a lot of business to attend to.
First there was the morning meeting over breakfast. I gave that rice cereal sludge a try, but honestly, how can I ever go back to it after finding my new loves: grilled veggies and lentil soup. There was a rumor of nap time, but I headed that off quickly, reminding Mom that we've been cooped up inside the whole week watching it rain, and it was necessary to take a business trip to the walking path. This is where she practiced Kindermusik, singing me songs as we walked enjoying the scenery. We stopped to chat up a butterfly before returning home.
After a brief nap and a short conference call with Shawny, we supped on grilled red peppers and mushrooms. I can't have hotdogs yet, so I just watched, but one day I will consume their sweet meatiness. Though I think I'll make mine out of bacon...(Abby, give me a call and we'll do lunch!) Mom moved her office outside where we had a meeting with Puff (the tortoise) and discovered a snake skin and very cool a frog. Not the peepers from our walk at the meditation park, who made me giggle when they peeped and hopped into the stagnant lilly pad pond. It was a light brown one with a black stripe under it's eye with smooth wet skin. It almost hopped on my blanket (when she chased it there)! I was then immersed in mint, a great ripping plant, and played with the papery wrappers of the string beans which we've let mature for next year's seeds. I think there was more to do, but honestly, I was tired and it was time for a power nap.
I exercised on Mom while she giggled (I'm not sure why). I pull-ups and squats on her lap and teeth on her collar bones. I nodded my head to and fro just because it made the world look cool. I took some breaks to hug her and lay on her shoulder, before starting the whole routine all over again. We practiced actually walking (not that fake walking stuff from last week) while searching for the Kelder Kat, who discovered a great sleeping place under the folded up play yard. And somewhere in there, we tried to practice counting to 3 and "in and out", but honestly, I have no idea what she was talking about.
So though she missed some dead lines, we had a lot more living lines to meet and all those other things WILL get done...eventually.
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