Well, Monster, Mommy owes you an apology...sorry about that milk I consumed. I was hoping the allergy lessened, but it didn't. It's is just as horrible as ever. Let's add swollen adenoids to the list of bad things that I do to you when I have casein. Basically that means that it is really hard for you to breath, especially at night or when you've been crying. And that means Mom feels really guilty from about 6 pm until the morning. I can't believe I've forgotten to read all the labels already (it was yogurt in masala, I was hoping there wasn't so much yogurt in it). Though, today marks the beginning of me preparing more food at home (again, I've been slacking), not using pre-prepared stuff or eating out any more, except for monthly sushi:) Nom nom nom!
In fact, today, marks the beginning of a couple of things. Last night you slept through the night- no snacky nom noms at all. I can't remember my last "full" night of sleep (6 hours!)...I know I had them during the first trimester- hell, I wanted to sleep all the time then. The achiness of always having to sleep on my side kicked in during the 2nd, and that is about the time I recall having a lot of sleepless nights...so I'm calling it first night's sleep in a year- for everyone!
Another first- holding food and eating it! Or rather, holding teething relief (you still haven't held food really). A teething biscuit was more handy than the ice holder, which you make me hold anyway. It took a few seconds to coordinate hand and mouth, but you accomplished it! Hopefully that skill will transfer over to all food soon. Right now, if you eat it at all, you bring your mouth to the table and try to get it in. Very amusing now, not so hot with the ladies in a few years though. Abby will never want to play babies with you if you keep that up!
And now, why in fact is TODAY the first day of the rest of your life? Drum roll please...
We added bacon to your list of foods you have tried! I'm not sure where the article went, but there is proof that babies don't need to wait until a year to try certain foods. Foods that cause allergies like peanuts and strawberry are on there. Then there are ones that I don't think are there for allergy reasons...like meat...like BACON! Anyway, much like all the other "rules" people swear by, the foods on the not-below-1-year list are being questioned by doctors. Where as it was thought that cereal was a great first food, it shouldn't be the only, and really, probably shouldn't be given all that much- being a carbohydrate with little nutrition. Even the iron contained in it isn't readily absorbed (especially compared to that in breast milk), and other sources of certain nutrients are better for you. Regarding the allergenic food, not eating it won't save you from having an allergy down the road, so we'll just make sure you're not having reactions when we try them. Unfortunately you've missed strawberry season this year! In addition, we need to remind me that "food is fun until age one", repeatedly, as I keep getting needlessly concerned with your eating habits. I honestly don't know what I second, third, 4th, 5th guess everything I do.
But back to bacon...you actually just sucked on a little meaty strip, made your typical "new food-ew" face and I took it away once you started wiping the table with it. It's OK, we'll work on how you should treat bacon in the future. Kinda the same treatment as beer, except if some falls on the floor, you don't HAVE to suck it out of the rug;)
Listen to mommy and treat your bacon with respect, Stefan!