Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ans now is the time on Sprockets where we dance...

I'm into random titles. It kinda fits, I'm having a dancing morning. It's either 1. the light after the dark of last night's frustrations 2. finally having a light bulb moment 3. the 1/2 caf. coffee I indulged in, in hopes of stopping a headache (it worked!!).

I say it's all three, actually. I love the refreshing start of a new day after the previous one has been fraught with high expectations that had no chance of ever being met, and the fact that I realize this and can move on. High expectation 1. "Stefan in Kindermusik class will be a quiet joy and he'll do well with someone else while I teach." NOPE! So with the support of my boss, we'll be retrying this next week a little differently. Sorry Meegan, this will mean a little less interaction for you and him at first...but I think if we take it slow and steady, you'll have him for the entire class before the winter. So Stefan is my "doll" (we have a demonstration doll to use a prop), which he did OK with in practice this morning!

High expectation 2. I can't teach in a program and "BE" the person who had been running it for 10 years. Kind of my internal struggle. I think I'm doing my best and I bet it's better than I think. Still I'm great at making assumptions :( and we all know what happens when one assumes...besides it consuming my thoughts ALL last night it makes an a$$ out of U and ME...well not you, I like you!! It's all me:)

High Expectation 3. I CAN keep the house, jobs, outside curb appeal gardening etc. up 100% while having the Yippi-Yuk attached to my side. Actually...I think I CAN, and will accomplish this (before he's in preschool)! I've gotten some tricks down, I think, that at least made today more enjoyable. Stefan and I are getting into a routine...until now, we haven't matched up. Either he hasn't has a schedule, or I haven't, and we've been missing each other. Today it finally clicked! Well so far...

So in the future I'm looking to incorporate more flute practice time (I've started already, it's wonderful), more outside time to work on gardens (curb appeal will have to wait more until next spring). We'll be moving patches, setting up new spaces and getting everything ready for the winter to get a good start on planting for the spring. Those organic veggies are pricey and I'd like to be growing everything here. Also I'm hoping to be able to paint the kitchen and maybe Stefan's room before his first birthday. However when there is already acceptable paint on the walls, it's hard to get motivation!

So if you're still reading my "thinking out loud" thanks! I promise there will be something inspirational here before it snows. Now off to do some work on the Music For Little Hands Blog...there are some great articles about children, brain development, and nutrition, check it and see:)

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