Most days, I love motherhood 100%, despite little frustrations through out the day. I could sit and watch/play with Stefan day after day and never grow bored. Yesterday, however, I could have thrown it out the window...and for part of today, too. I hate the pressure of getting a job done (repair and sometimes teaching) and being torn by baby needs as well. Note: house pressures are easily tossed aside in favor of baby care:) I guess, if my house is a wreck, we don't really care, but I need to keep customers happy, so it is very hard to put the crying teeth-Monster aside in favor of a pay check.
The repairs were finally completed this afternoon, and a great weight lifted. Now, to get the fall schedule straight and I'll be very happy. It stinks being so unsettled every year wondering how much work I'll actually have and it never turns out to be as much as I need. Oh well that is a whole other can of worms. On to the update.
Stefan has the biggest bumps ever on his top gums. I'm hoping something cuts through soon and we're out from under this teething cloud! He refuses to hold any relief (teether etc), and I'm tired of holding them for him... and being covered in ice water along with the floor and furniture. We've tried frozen wash cloths, ice in food bags, water in pacifiers, ice water in bottles, water in cups (this he actually likes, but is high maintenance), frozen bananas, cold carrots, and traditional teethers. Finally today, I think he received a little relief from a cold cucumber which leads me to this afternoon's excitement:
He's "eaten" 3 pieces of cucumber by himself. Eating means he held them in his hand and tasted it repeatedly, but not actually consumed more than a little bit. Hurray BLW!
Finally, the newest trick: Throwing things. It's really hysterical to see, though I choose which emotion to display, as I don't want it to turn into bad habits. So he is allowed to throw Poo (Winnie), and Eeyore during diaper changes and I make all sorts of faces. However, he does NOT get any response besides, "All done" (verbally and in sign), for tossing food on the floor. Then there is throwing toys all around the room...I just ignore it completely. I figure, if he tosses ALL of them, far enough away, he'll HAVE to crawl to get them. He's still completely immobile, but he has motions for the parts of crawling. He can easily get into position on his tummy fast, but doesn't tuck his legs. He has opposing arms and legs moving and can scoot himself at times with help, but again, can't do much with it by himself. So I'm just waiting for all the little parts to fall together on that one.
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