Sunday, September 19, 2010

Simply an update

Not too many deep thoughts for this post. I put him down a while ago for a nap, and he'll probably wake soon. It's easiest not to get involved in anything and plant myself in the room next to his so I can hear him wake. Anyway....

A couple of cool things I think I is that he has started communicating more than just throwing "ehhh" back in forth, like a little conversation. Sean noticed that while he was "talking", he was looking at a cup in particular. When Sean gave him the out of reach object, Stefan was thrilled. I think he may have been asking Sean for the cup. There have been a couple of other occurrences like this, I'm just not sure if he's actually realized that he can communicate with sound, or if I just recognized his communication until now. I think it's the former.

He's made laundry folding go faster. I dump the basket in front of him, sit behind him, and he hands me the clothing, piece by piece. If I through in a "Thank You" for every piece, he gets excited and keeps the game going. I think this has drinking game potential, but I'm weary of drinking near the clean laundry!

Another very cool thing is he's making strides with BLW. It is only a small step forward, followed by the two steps back were in now, but we had a great meal where he was totally into feeding himself. He was making choices to try different foods and most of it ended up in his mouth. Since that day (last Wed.) he's returned to only small tastes before he throws the food on the floor. I keep trying daily; once I cut into the veg/fruit, it is kind of destined to be his (and some mine when I demonstrate how to eat it, and finally just consume what he's about to throw on the floor). So I kind of "kill" him with one food until it's gone. Last night we went a little crazy and had a whole spread of mushroom, mango, pepper, onion, and potato. He even got a chance to try some good steak (we grilled a nice cut to perfection, nom nom). I think the potato gave him a bad face rash when he rubbed it all over his cheeks, so we'll have to come back to that one another day. I'm glad he's making choices, mimicking my eating, and I'm not shoving processed yuck baby food at him. I can't even trust my morning OJ to be healthy and fresh, no way I'm trusting those baby food companies to have Stefan's best interests in mind!

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