We've officially had enough snow days for me to catch up on work (I have had my current lessons prepared for a couple of weeks now), house (I'm ahead of the dishes!), and paying attention to baby (instead of fighting him to occupy himself while I accomplished the aforementioned). Even cooler, tomorrow is a snow day that I won't have to wake up at 6 am to decide if it is safe to drive, or fret over being down on the shore while snow accumulates, and I actually get to have it be a snow day without all that other stuff hanging over my head. I have 2 goals: write a work blog entry and chill with the baby. Oh yeah, and recuperate from this stupid cold. I actually got Stefan to nap with me today, it was beautiful, and restful. Enough about my accomplishments. I'm so psyched I am in front of a computer in a timely fashion to record Stefan's accomplishments.
Recently, I think he's either been signing "milk" or waving. The jury is still out as he doesn't do the hand motions enough to attribute to either. Which ever it is, it's a new development and either would be cool.
Today he started voluntarily walking while only holding one of our hands. Another step toward independence, and cleaner hands.
Today when I asked if he was hungry and wanted food in his belly, he pointed to his stomach. I did it a couple of times, same result:). Then while we read the 12 days of Christmas (illustrated with Anne Gedes babys) we found a baby putting a mallet in his mouth. I drew Stefan's attention to it and he too pointed to his mouth.
He's started trying to put socks and shoes on by himself. OK that only means touching them to his feet, but I'm excited he knows where the clothing goes.
That is all I can remember for now. Time to have a snow night!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sick Day
How could this sweet face be so loud?! |
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Flu Shot Failure
When I received the card urging me to get a flu shot for Stefan, I weighed the pros and cons, and though I didn't want him to get it necessarily, I ended up making an appointment. I never get them, work with children daily and have never had the flu, but insurance was covering it, and I really wouldn't want my son to be sick, right? As it turned out, I had to cancel the appointment for some reason, and in the meantime had opted not to reschedule. I didn't give the whole thing much of a thought until our Pedi visit yesterday. It came up with the nurse that he hadn't had one, and she was strongly urging me to give him one, since she has them yearly (who knows how that is justification, but whatever). I still didn't want him to have it really. After a very brief discussion with the Doc, it turns out we were very lucky to not have given him one.
For all of you out there managing an egg allergy: Flu shots contain egg!
Despite how I felt the day I realized he was allergic to certain egg proteins when prepared a certain way, I'm so glad I didn't find it out through the flu shot.
As for the 1 year check up, a month late, Stefan is 19lb (I can't remember the ounces) and 29.5 inches. Otherwise healthy. Woot. Well, except for a cold and the allergies :(. On the bright side, I've been having lots of cuddle time with the little booger and fortunately a ton of snow days and not much repair to be able to accommodate all the snuggles.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Dear Stefan,
On this frigid Monday morning, we had a great game of catch. Our first game that lasted for quite some time and actually involved the ball relaying between the two of us. You would only play this with the rattle balls, of course. The silent tennis ball isn't nearly as exciting. The game evolved into you chasing the balls around the room, and finished up on the little rocking chair. Later this week, you'll play catch with Kelder, too.
I've been so proud of a ton of little cool things you've done recently. I don't think I can remember them all right now, though. We had a great conversation in the car on the way home from Choir School. It's nice to have someone to talk to on that hour ride...even if it is only screams and babbles we share. Every so often I told you to find Jingle Pontuse (the very first toy you ever played with, attached to your seats), and you shook him around.
You've learned to pet the cat so gently and now have been playing with him a little. Both of you like the same toys (pencils, nerf darts, and ribbons...well pretty much every toy can go baby or cat). He's so gentle with you, he's become a mini mommy's helper, entertaining you while I try to get things done. Both of you love rubbing heads together, and you try to follow the cats where ever they go.
You've become a great listener heeding my warnings not to do certain things. I can't get over this...you listen better than many of the middle school students I've taught. You know to leave the "yuckies" around the house alone, despite wanting to taste them.When I tell you to be careful, you cautiously continue what you were doing. Sometimes, when I call for you to come back in to a room, you do!
I love that you devoured curry the other night, with a spoon, and more than ever made it into your mouth. Now if we could get you that excited over the other food you eat...tacos have lost favor, oranges are still pretty great and grapes too, but you're more into their juice then their flesh. Oh and for the first time, you grabbed a cup of water and drank it, without Mom helping to tip it up and hold it steady!
You're so gentle with turning pages of your story books. You've started to point you fingers at the words, swirling it around the paragraphs while I read the other page. And you're becoming much more patient with the long winded books we've been reading. Curling up in a blanket in the rocking chair with you and a book is the perfect way to spend these snowy days.
All about the house, there are so many fun things to point at. Once only the fun strings, chimes, or switches demanded a finger. Now you understand when I ask what you want and point to whatever it is. You're "no" eyes are appreciated too. It is so nice to be able to communicate with you and not have to assume everything all the time. I wonder if all the fabulous babble stories mean anything in Stefanese, and what is this new word "ying" you have?
Morning calf raises at the tub side make me grin. You pop right up on your tip toes. Someday, when dad's out, I'll teach you some ballet moves, but that'll be our secret;). Finally, you've been relinquishing one hand as we stroll about the house, but only when you're in a good mood. You walked this way with Dad today, and then you started kicking a couple of rattle balls around as you went.
Some people may look at a baby and think it's just a dull lump. Some people have told me that it's no use to communicate with a baby under 3 (OK it was a bit of a strange bachelor person that made that obviously erroneous remark). But I can, and do, sit and watch all the little things you do all day, fascinated that only a year ago, you couldn't even hold your head up, 6 months ago, you couldn't sit, barely three months ago you couldn't crawl, and only recently have you started saying Mom and Dad with meaning and consistency. I can't wait to see what happens next!!
On this frigid Monday morning, we had a great game of catch. Our first game that lasted for quite some time and actually involved the ball relaying between the two of us. You would only play this with the rattle balls, of course. The silent tennis ball isn't nearly as exciting. The game evolved into you chasing the balls around the room, and finished up on the little rocking chair. Later this week, you'll play catch with Kelder, too.
I've been so proud of a ton of little cool things you've done recently. I don't think I can remember them all right now, though. We had a great conversation in the car on the way home from Choir School. It's nice to have someone to talk to on that hour ride...even if it is only screams and babbles we share. Every so often I told you to find Jingle Pontuse (the very first toy you ever played with, attached to your seats), and you shook him around.
You've learned to pet the cat so gently and now have been playing with him a little. Both of you like the same toys (pencils, nerf darts, and ribbons...well pretty much every toy can go baby or cat). He's so gentle with you, he's become a mini mommy's helper, entertaining you while I try to get things done. Both of you love rubbing heads together, and you try to follow the cats where ever they go.
You've become a great listener heeding my warnings not to do certain things. I can't get over this...you listen better than many of the middle school students I've taught. You know to leave the "yuckies" around the house alone, despite wanting to taste them.When I tell you to be careful, you cautiously continue what you were doing. Sometimes, when I call for you to come back in to a room, you do!
I love that you devoured curry the other night, with a spoon, and more than ever made it into your mouth. Now if we could get you that excited over the other food you eat...tacos have lost favor, oranges are still pretty great and grapes too, but you're more into their juice then their flesh. Oh and for the first time, you grabbed a cup of water and drank it, without Mom helping to tip it up and hold it steady!
You're so gentle with turning pages of your story books. You've started to point you fingers at the words, swirling it around the paragraphs while I read the other page. And you're becoming much more patient with the long winded books we've been reading. Curling up in a blanket in the rocking chair with you and a book is the perfect way to spend these snowy days.
All about the house, there are so many fun things to point at. Once only the fun strings, chimes, or switches demanded a finger. Now you understand when I ask what you want and point to whatever it is. You're "no" eyes are appreciated too. It is so nice to be able to communicate with you and not have to assume everything all the time. I wonder if all the fabulous babble stories mean anything in Stefanese, and what is this new word "ying" you have?
Morning calf raises at the tub side make me grin. You pop right up on your tip toes. Someday, when dad's out, I'll teach you some ballet moves, but that'll be our secret;). Finally, you've been relinquishing one hand as we stroll about the house, but only when you're in a good mood. You walked this way with Dad today, and then you started kicking a couple of rattle balls around as you went.
Some people may look at a baby and think it's just a dull lump. Some people have told me that it's no use to communicate with a baby under 3 (OK it was a bit of a strange bachelor person that made that obviously erroneous remark). But I can, and do, sit and watch all the little things you do all day, fascinated that only a year ago, you couldn't even hold your head up, 6 months ago, you couldn't sit, barely three months ago you couldn't crawl, and only recently have you started saying Mom and Dad with meaning and consistency. I can't wait to see what happens next!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
It's not what he says, it's how he says it
A recent topic of discussion on the pregnancy 'Dec '09 forum, now a "birthday club", was what our little ones are saying these days. Some have up to 12 words, some have sign language thrown in there, us...we have only babbles still. However, they have are filled with meaning. Like I've heard Vietnamese described, one word can mean many different things depending on the inflection used to say it, so is true for Stefanese. For Stefan, a mishmash of poetry styles all in one.
Sun rise, open eyes, Maestro approaches the podium:
a tap of the baton, rather, a pound of the changer, a moment of babble quickly subsides,
there's much to be done, then screams arise.
First chirpy, then sad,
growing louder...now mad.
That "Mom" I long to hear, is still a milk-demanding wail until
the Maestro is released from his cribby prison.
Humming while nursing, singing a song of the morning woes,
he quickly turns happy while letting those frustrations go.
Out into the world in search of a cat with light, lilting calls,
Squeaks, near a chuckle, turn to soft soothing hums,
cat hugging now, but one day, will be the sound of "Mum".
Off on a mission, searching for toys,
"Dad, dad, ad, add, dad!" and a whole ton of noise.
"Da, da, da, da !" "Ra, rer, re, roar!"
and his toy box is emptied all over the floor.
He pulls from the debris a coveted book,
Flips through the pages, reading, "La, ladd, rad ra ra." I stop to look...
Waving a hand in the air, delivering his speeches,
I believe he's summoning his army of Star bellied Sneeches.
And if we don't heed, him there's a price to pay,
authoritative"ra-ra" becomes a raucous "ayyyyyyyyye!"
That turns to those screams higher than the piccolo can play.
Again on a mission while the kitchen is cleaned, and he's wandered too far,
I hear the worst sound of all...silence. "eh?" I call out...nothing...."eh?'
"...ah" a soft reply, we relay, and I find him deep in his room, hands holding high
magazine feathers which he offers me, full of pride.
"Dad, dad, dad!" he says, pointing here and there,
catching me up on what has happened, while I was cleaning.
"Ste, Ste, Ste" That must be his name,
I smile proud at the diagraph he's made. I pick him up, he snuggles right in,
gives a big hug, on my shoulder his chin.
"Ahhh, mmmmm, aaaaahhh." He hums while he pats my back,
not letting go, my favorite Stefan a kissing and hugging attack.
It changes to giggles and guffaws, eyes rolling, head spinning,
free falling, and dancing, on the Stefan coaster.
Now I've tried everything I can think of to get this straight, and I'm out of ideas. I apologize for the crick you'll get in your neck!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
First "Real" Christmas
At barely 10 days old, last year's Christmas and holiday season really wasn't all that much of Christmas. This year, we got a little closer with some family traditions. Overwhelmed by his 1st birthday, since we've only done that type of party once before, Christmas took a back seat, compared to what I thought I'd do with Stefan. I have some definite traditions I wanted to pass on, but ultimately, it just didn't go as I planned. I'm probably 1 year ahead on the expectations of how to celebrate the holiday, maybe even two.
Decorating the tree, I anticipated sharing at least a little with him. In reality, I fought him off the ornaments as he only went for the breakables, de-tangled him from the lights, and removed him from the branches of the tree a few times too many to enjoy it all. Luckily it was coming on nap time. Mid tree, I tossed him in his crib, and sighed with relief, as I could finish on second least favorite holiday tradition. I get tired of the whole thing after I get the lights on and about 3 ornaments. The 1938 version of "A Christmas Carol" was put on, not my favorite, but a staple for tree decorating time, and chilled out in the glow of colored lights and the smell of pine.
The next thing I realized is great tradition is the food...won't get into here, because I plan a whole expose around this: "Holidays, Food Allergies, and Elimination Diets, a deadly combo! Why what is on your plate might KILL you! Story at 11:00." Let's just say, merely from my plate and his, I wouldn't have identified any of our holidays as being such.
We had an advent calendar on my desktop which was really cool (Thanks Liz!!). Every morning we watched the little animated cartoon and listened to the festive music. We're still revisiting it, actually. It brings cute little smiles to Stefan that I love so much!
Ultimately there was way too much that was left out to get all crazy with how I'm passing down any traditions in a post. Like all those walks through the woods that weren't really as much fun as they'll be with a boy who wants to explore under rocks or play in the stream in a few years, I found I'll just have to wait until he's a little older to get excited about the holidays. He didn't see the actual bearded guy, but I hope his fondness of plush small Santa will prepare him for the excitement of the real dude for next time.
Child rearing is the ultimate practice in patience, not just with the daily routines, but with all the fun activities he needs to grow into. We'll get there soon enough, as long as the Mayan's aren't correct, and the world is still around after 12/12/12.
Decorating the tree, I anticipated sharing at least a little with him. In reality, I fought him off the ornaments as he only went for the breakables, de-tangled him from the lights, and removed him from the branches of the tree a few times too many to enjoy it all. Luckily it was coming on nap time. Mid tree, I tossed him in his crib, and sighed with relief, as I could finish on second least favorite holiday tradition. I get tired of the whole thing after I get the lights on and about 3 ornaments. The 1938 version of "A Christmas Carol" was put on, not my favorite, but a staple for tree decorating time, and chilled out in the glow of colored lights and the smell of pine.
The next thing I realized is great tradition is the food...won't get into here, because I plan a whole expose around this: "Holidays, Food Allergies, and Elimination Diets, a deadly combo! Why what is on your plate might KILL you! Story at 11:00." Let's just say, merely from my plate and his, I wouldn't have identified any of our holidays as being such.
We had an advent calendar on my desktop which was really cool (Thanks Liz!!). Every morning we watched the little animated cartoon and listened to the festive music. We're still revisiting it, actually. It brings cute little smiles to Stefan that I love so much!
Ultimately there was way too much that was left out to get all crazy with how I'm passing down any traditions in a post. Like all those walks through the woods that weren't really as much fun as they'll be with a boy who wants to explore under rocks or play in the stream in a few years, I found I'll just have to wait until he's a little older to get excited about the holidays. He didn't see the actual bearded guy, but I hope his fondness of plush small Santa will prepare him for the excitement of the real dude for next time.
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"Love the Dinosaur!" |
Child rearing is the ultimate practice in patience, not just with the daily routines, but with all the fun activities he needs to grow into. We'll get there soon enough, as long as the Mayan's aren't correct, and the world is still around after 12/12/12.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Pooh Cake
It was easy popping up Melissa's birthday montage of Stefan, so easy I thought I did all the birthday picture posting I had wanted. I have so many pictures from the holidays that it is crippling to try to go through them, searching out the perfect for a specific post, so bear with the messed up time line I have going on here...it'll work out with topics in the tags, ultimately.
The cake that everyone else indulged in was dairy-full, covered in coconut and had some tropical fruit going on, or so I was told. Again, thanks Mom!
Stefan had a great time ripping into the presents, and being decorated. He's in love with wheels.
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My first attempt at cake decorating. Not Duff-worthy, but recognizable. Thanks Mom for the dairy-free cake! |
The cake that everyone else indulged in was dairy-full, covered in coconut and had some tropical fruit going on, or so I was told. Again, thanks Mom!
Stefan had a great time ripping into the presents, and being decorated. He's in love with wheels.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Peanut Kid
So I've been remiss on posting. Partly because I'm busy again balancing work and the baby, some days well, others less successfully. Plus it seems when I come off of an extended vacation, I have a really hard time getting back into the groove of things. These snow days aren't helping...though they have made hunkering down in the basement, cozy with the furnace repairing instruments a bearable task that sunny summer days don't lend themselves to. Anyway...
I started blogging in general, as an outlet for all the new early childhood information I was learning. I hoped someone somewhere would find what I said useful. Here too, I've hoped the same, though I haven't really had a "cause". At first, Stefan was "high needs" as coined by Dr. Sears, but that was a bit of a phase, and now that he sleeps so much better, and has a lot less anxiety with people besides me, it's no longer an issue. I hope what little I wrote may help someone still. But now I'm starting to have an actual cause, and I wish I didn't.
Food Allergies. Gah, HATE! Of the gambit of things a child could have problems with, this is pretty tame on the surface. My biggest challenge until recently has been how to locate a grocery store that carries coconut ice cream which isn't a frost bitten snow ball, if there IS any at all, since it costs so much in the first place. I whine about what I can't eat, but really, it isn't that bad taking my favorite food group out of my life for a year...actually I would have made it two, but it's become more complicated. In retrospect, one severe food allergy is easy, 2 a pain, but tolerable...we're up to 3...and all of them have a huge place in my diet. But this isn't about my diet for much longer.
Here, crawling/walking are now one of the kinks in the ease of managing food allergies. His favorite place to graze: that hidden area right under the kitchen cabinets...with potentially 60 years of crumbs worked into the crevice between the linoleum and baseboard. Though 2/3 of our family is allergen safe, my husband still enjoys his American cheese (is that even considered a REAL cheese:), and there can't be Mexican food without cheddar shreds, which opens the door for crumbs on the floor and cross contamination aplenty. Yes, I keep it all hyper clean, but there is always that chance I missed something and that is a constant thought I can't get rid of.
When nuts were added to the list, it was relearning what to be vigilant all over again. Easier to shop for and actually find safe food than dairy, nuts avoidance isn't that hard. It's just that they used to sit out in a bowl on the table without a second thought, maybe one would fall into the cushions and it was OK...and now- well I'll steal the sentiment of a blog post I read recently: Stefan would be safer next to a pit bull than a peanut.
He's been fed primarily breast milk these past 13 months and I'm finding that though I complained about how it limited my diet, at least I had piece of mind that he was safe when he ate. As we're getting more into solids, this whole thing seems to have ramped up a notch. If I made a mistake through breast milk, he developed a rash, sucky, but relatively easy to handle. If I make a mistake with what he puts in his mouth, we need strong medications and an ambulance. And this worry is without even entering the realm of what happens when he's under someone else's care, without me in shouting distance. Not approaching that area of angst until I need to.
So, I used to condemn the "Peanut Kid"...my class didn't have that many allergies when I was a child in school, actually. No peanut kids, but as I hear it, they are the ones that ruin PB&J at school for the rest of us (wink, wink). I always thought people were making too big of a deal of the whole thing. Now I feel the peanut kid's pain, and more, the pain of his parents, who can't watch over their baby's shoulder every second of their life and hope that that he doesn't share his friend's lunch, decide to experiment with the allergen one day, or eat something that a package didn't label the ingredients properly on. I mean cold cuts could have dairy...cold cuts?!? It has made shopping easy in one respect...I can't buy most of the stuff in the store. Produce I KNOW is safe. Most likely fish. But the rest...let's just say I have to do a lot of reading when I go shopping.
Daily management becomes easier as time goes on however where I'm going to lose my calm: Restaurants, Parties, and one day, school. We don't deal with them too much right now. And the few from the holiday season and subsequent eating out have given me a glimpse of the frustration to come.
I started blogging in general, as an outlet for all the new early childhood information I was learning. I hoped someone somewhere would find what I said useful. Here too, I've hoped the same, though I haven't really had a "cause". At first, Stefan was "high needs" as coined by Dr. Sears, but that was a bit of a phase, and now that he sleeps so much better, and has a lot less anxiety with people besides me, it's no longer an issue. I hope what little I wrote may help someone still. But now I'm starting to have an actual cause, and I wish I didn't.
Food Allergies. Gah, HATE! Of the gambit of things a child could have problems with, this is pretty tame on the surface. My biggest challenge until recently has been how to locate a grocery store that carries coconut ice cream which isn't a frost bitten snow ball, if there IS any at all, since it costs so much in the first place. I whine about what I can't eat, but really, it isn't that bad taking my favorite food group out of my life for a year...actually I would have made it two, but it's become more complicated. In retrospect, one severe food allergy is easy, 2 a pain, but tolerable...we're up to 3...and all of them have a huge place in my diet. But this isn't about my diet for much longer.
Here, crawling/walking are now one of the kinks in the ease of managing food allergies. His favorite place to graze: that hidden area right under the kitchen cabinets...with potentially 60 years of crumbs worked into the crevice between the linoleum and baseboard. Though 2/3 of our family is allergen safe, my husband still enjoys his American cheese (is that even considered a REAL cheese:), and there can't be Mexican food without cheddar shreds, which opens the door for crumbs on the floor and cross contamination aplenty. Yes, I keep it all hyper clean, but there is always that chance I missed something and that is a constant thought I can't get rid of.
When nuts were added to the list, it was relearning what to be vigilant all over again. Easier to shop for and actually find safe food than dairy, nuts avoidance isn't that hard. It's just that they used to sit out in a bowl on the table without a second thought, maybe one would fall into the cushions and it was OK...and now- well I'll steal the sentiment of a blog post I read recently: Stefan would be safer next to a pit bull than a peanut.
He's been fed primarily breast milk these past 13 months and I'm finding that though I complained about how it limited my diet, at least I had piece of mind that he was safe when he ate. As we're getting more into solids, this whole thing seems to have ramped up a notch. If I made a mistake through breast milk, he developed a rash, sucky, but relatively easy to handle. If I make a mistake with what he puts in his mouth, we need strong medications and an ambulance. And this worry is without even entering the realm of what happens when he's under someone else's care, without me in shouting distance. Not approaching that area of angst until I need to.
So, I used to condemn the "Peanut Kid"...my class didn't have that many allergies when I was a child in school, actually. No peanut kids, but as I hear it, they are the ones that ruin PB&J at school for the rest of us (wink, wink). I always thought people were making too big of a deal of the whole thing. Now I feel the peanut kid's pain, and more, the pain of his parents, who can't watch over their baby's shoulder every second of their life and hope that that he doesn't share his friend's lunch, decide to experiment with the allergen one day, or eat something that a package didn't label the ingredients properly on. I mean cold cuts could have dairy...cold cuts?!? It has made shopping easy in one respect...I can't buy most of the stuff in the store. Produce I KNOW is safe. Most likely fish. But the rest...let's just say I have to do a lot of reading when I go shopping.
Daily management becomes easier as time goes on however where I'm going to lose my calm: Restaurants, Parties, and one day, school. We don't deal with them too much right now. And the few from the holiday season and subsequent eating out have given me a glimpse of the frustration to come.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
2 babies, 1 camera
We watched Abby blog and it gave me the idea to recreate a meme not worth discussing if you don't know what this post is eluding to. Anyway, here ya go Melissa:
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Table Blocks: A Drinking Game
What else does a new family do in northern CT, besides sitting around at home drinking? It's cheap, no baby sitter required, no packing up to go to "X", forgetting the all too important "Y" at home, and ultimately leaving early because baby is being too "Z".
So here's this developmental time's game. It's pretty easy:
Place blocks around a coffee table, let the baby loose to walk around the table, and replace the blocks before he can remove them all and realize you've replaced them. If you can't accomplish this small feat, then you, "Drink!"
Note: soft blocks ( like the ones he received for Christmas) are pretty important, especially when Baby is actually more like Babe Ruth. No babies were harmed in the development of this game.
So here's this developmental time's game. It's pretty easy:
Place blocks around a coffee table, let the baby loose to walk around the table, and replace the blocks before he can remove them all and realize you've replaced them. If you can't accomplish this small feat, then you, "Drink!"
Note: soft blocks ( like the ones he received for Christmas) are pretty important, especially when Baby is actually more like Babe Ruth. No babies were harmed in the development of this game.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Eves
Thanksgiving Eve, aka Scott's birthday, Stefan developed his "hunch back" crawl.
The Eve of his birthday, he started saying, "Dad"...a lot.
Christmas Eve....nothing.
But, 2 days later, he started eating on his own. Since then, I've relinquished the spoon, stripped stain-able clothing off of him, and let him go to town on what ever the special is for the night. Shepard's pie is still a fav. and now tacos are at the top of the list.
New Year's Eve, he discovered potato chips and played with a new cat. So nothing new, but he hung out fabulously well at our friends' house well past normal bed times:), which certain people can attest to being a great accomplishment.
The Eve of his birthday, he started saying, "Dad"...a lot.
Christmas Eve....nothing.
But, 2 days later, he started eating on his own. Since then, I've relinquished the spoon, stripped stain-able clothing off of him, and let him go to town on what ever the special is for the night. Shepard's pie is still a fav. and now tacos are at the top of the list.
New Year's Eve, he discovered potato chips and played with a new cat. So nothing new, but he hung out fabulously well at our friends' house well past normal bed times:), which certain people can attest to being a great accomplishment.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Pooh Corner
(A delayed post from November)
I had been camping out on the couch all week, battling my first sickness of the cold season, not likely my last either. Stefan was forced to entertain himself quite a bit over this time. He had just started standing while holing a few days ago, and now for the first time, practiced walking back and forth carefully along the coffee table. Now was the time where he'd be free of mom's hovering, although I think I was more excited about that than he was. He grew tired of this game and got himself to the floor (via Mom), and headed over to the fire place to bash something I'd rather him not bash.
A side note: a couple of days ago, mid "pulling up" to stand at the coffee table, he had gotten stuck. He was still not able to completely pull himself up alone yet, which worked out, because the random position in which he was stuck became his crawling pose; arms in a traditional way, one leg folded in front of himself, aligned in an odd perpendicular fashion, the other leg, straight with no knee touching the floor, propelled his weeble body forward from his foot. BASH BASH BASH!!!
Oh yeah BASHING...so Stefan was over at the fireplace doing dangerous things, Sean was on the couch next to me, not getting up to stop him from doing dangerous things, and I was too sick to be alive.
"Stefan, go get Pooh." I moaned. I had no idea where Pooh was, and nothing like that had ever worked to occupy him before, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I knew he knew what "Pooh" was, but don't know if he could see Pooh (although that would make this whole thing even more cool, as object permanence, what is needed to know something exists when it is out of sight, occurs around a year old or later, and he was a little early for that). He crawled away from the fire place and all I knew is that he stopped bashing, but not what he was off to do next.
About a minute later, I heard the high rattle of his favorite stuffed bear. I was ecstatic, he found Pooh! Thank you Stefan...it was the best cold medicine ever:)
I had been camping out on the couch all week, battling my first sickness of the cold season, not likely my last either. Stefan was forced to entertain himself quite a bit over this time. He had just started standing while holing a few days ago, and now for the first time, practiced walking back and forth carefully along the coffee table. Now was the time where he'd be free of mom's hovering, although I think I was more excited about that than he was. He grew tired of this game and got himself to the floor (via Mom), and headed over to the fire place to bash something I'd rather him not bash.
A side note: a couple of days ago, mid "pulling up" to stand at the coffee table, he had gotten stuck. He was still not able to completely pull himself up alone yet, which worked out, because the random position in which he was stuck became his crawling pose; arms in a traditional way, one leg folded in front of himself, aligned in an odd perpendicular fashion, the other leg, straight with no knee touching the floor, propelled his weeble body forward from his foot. BASH BASH BASH!!!
Oh yeah BASHING...so Stefan was over at the fireplace doing dangerous things, Sean was on the couch next to me, not getting up to stop him from doing dangerous things, and I was too sick to be alive.
"Stefan, go get Pooh." I moaned. I had no idea where Pooh was, and nothing like that had ever worked to occupy him before, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I knew he knew what "Pooh" was, but don't know if he could see Pooh (although that would make this whole thing even more cool, as object permanence, what is needed to know something exists when it is out of sight, occurs around a year old or later, and he was a little early for that). He crawled away from the fire place and all I knew is that he stopped bashing, but not what he was off to do next.
About a minute later, I heard the high rattle of his favorite stuffed bear. I was ecstatic, he found Pooh! Thank you Stefan...it was the best cold medicine ever:)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Our morning...
Music has always helped to soothe the savage Monster beast here, so we sat at the computer enjoying some today I guess you'll have to turn the streaming Stefan tunes off for this one! Enjoy our not so snowy morning concert.
We started with some fast guitar:
On to some faster cello:
His First youtube favorite from the summer:
And finally my favorite, a slow piece, equally intriguing to him. I thought it would lull him to sleep...but Rocking Bear was too enticing. It put him out the second listen though:)
So this is the Proms 2001 tribute performance of Barber, I think recorded on 9-15 of that year. This piece brings me to tears with out the extra significance of why it's played here. Stefan was really into watching the conductor, which makes him a step about most musicians 15 times his age;).
We started with some fast guitar:
On to some faster cello:
His First youtube favorite from the summer:
And finally my favorite, a slow piece, equally intriguing to him. I thought it would lull him to sleep...but Rocking Bear was too enticing. It put him out the second listen though:)
So this is the Proms 2001 tribute performance of Barber, I think recorded on 9-15 of that year. This piece brings me to tears with out the extra significance of why it's played here. Stefan was really into watching the conductor, which makes him a step about most musicians 15 times his age;).
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
1 Year
My biggest problem with not having time to get on here is all the little things you've been doing, that have been so cool to catch you doing, that I forget by the time I can get to a computer. Lets see if I can remember any, and hopefully I'll be better about getting these here.
At one year you...
are blooming a great little personality,
babble "dad" a LOT...and I caught you once babbling "mom" without crying or wanting milk, too!
are more independent than ever,
find all sorts of ways to play with all sorts of things, like, right now: pens and glue sticks (why do we bother with flashy toys?),
love walking,
could crawl across CT if I let you,
love finding Daddy when I tell you...OK not that hard, we all know he's in front of the computer 22/07
love the cats, especially when they are involved in your crib, really love Sabrina, as she tries never to be involved with you,
refuse to brush your 6 teeth, though you used to love it,
insist on feeding yourself with our spoons, regardless of what actually makes it into your mouth,
have started eating dry foods more, and trying more solids recently,
love flipping the pages of your book, so gently as to not rip them, and watch my fingers point to the words I read you,
try to figure out every button, screw, random hole, and door on every little thing,
put toys "in"(!!!!!), with more regularity!!
wave "bye,bye" every so often,
have marvelous conversations with your hands (though that has been going on for a few months now),
have marvelous babble conversations with me:) you're going to be such a great talker!
point to what you want, and you want a lot, apparently,
added "r, s" to the "L,d,m" list of consonants, and long "i and e" to the "a, o" list of vowels,
Love hanging with Dad, especially when he walks all around with you.
...and I suppose that is all I can think of now, besides, it's time to play!!
At one year you...
are blooming a great little personality,
babble "dad" a LOT...and I caught you once babbling "mom" without crying or wanting milk, too!
are more independent than ever,
find all sorts of ways to play with all sorts of things, like, right now: pens and glue sticks (why do we bother with flashy toys?),
love walking,
could crawl across CT if I let you,
love finding Daddy when I tell you...OK not that hard, we all know he's in front of the computer 22/07
love the cats, especially when they are involved in your crib, really love Sabrina, as she tries never to be involved with you,
refuse to brush your 6 teeth, though you used to love it,
insist on feeding yourself with our spoons, regardless of what actually makes it into your mouth,
have started eating dry foods more, and trying more solids recently,
love flipping the pages of your book, so gently as to not rip them, and watch my fingers point to the words I read you,
try to figure out every button, screw, random hole, and door on every little thing,
put toys "in"(!!!!!), with more regularity!!
wave "bye,bye" every so often,
have marvelous conversations with your hands (though that has been going on for a few months now),
have marvelous babble conversations with me:) you're going to be such a great talker!
point to what you want, and you want a lot, apparently,
added "r, s" to the "L,d,m" list of consonants, and long "i and e" to the "a, o" list of vowels,
Love hanging with Dad, especially when he walks all around with you.
...and I suppose that is all I can think of now, besides, it's time to play!!
Now is the perfect time!
Have you ever waited for the perfect time to do "x"...and waited...and waited...I've been waiting almost a month for that perfect time to sit here and expound on our oh so ordinary life, that muddles my brain so much each day, that I never have 30 minutes to sit here and expound on anything at all. That's OK, reading a book (I have a dozen waiting patiently) has been waiting since the spring, and worse, practicing has been waiting for this perfect time for over a year now. Actually, instead of blogging, I SHOULD be down in the workshop organizing...the music store is FIN...and I will soon own all the workshop stuff...as soon as I get down there and figure how much I'm paying for it and write the check. Some very trusting people needed me to haul the stuff away quick!
Back to my inability to accomplish. I had to go to the bank today, get gas and hit the grocery store. I was so psyched that I could accomplish all of this in one parking lot. PS I even got bonus points for being able to do my banking out of the car, which was totally unexpected! Once upon a time, I hated all these chores with a passion and tried my best to procrastinate over them until I absolutely needed gas, food, or money. Envision a bedraggled, hungry Lisa, humping it to the Burger King a block away, carrying pocket change I dug out of the couch, in hopes that it would buy me enough french fries to make it to the next meal...;) If I could go back in time, I'd grab PastLisa and shake the crap out of her because getting those three chores accomplished took like 30 seconds back in the day. Naps and feedings aside, it takes FOREVER to get out the door. I get us all fed, then him dressed, me dressed, find my shoes (impossible), find his (more impossible), get my coat, his coat, oh yeah it's cold...get his hat and mittens but skip mine because the car will warm up soon enough; don't forget the diaper bag, one last trip to the bathroom at this point (the other day I had 3 of these before official leaving, it took THAT long), and finally we make it into the car...and I sigh and think to myself, I bet it's going to be time for him to eat in a few minutes and we haven't even left! Given, he has a wack job of an eating schedule right now, but I'm really tired of going through a whole process to do something, only to have to repeat that process before the thing that needed to get done was even accomplished. Phew...there is my vent. I know, I know, welcome to the land of having children...it just seems like everyone else has themselves together, and I feel like at any moment everything here is going to explode! A few of my friends are heading into 2-child land...I can't even imagine!!
So needless to say, accomplishing more of a variety of "stuff" (that is stuff beyond cooking, cleaning, and playing with the baby) is my new years resolution (which I'm ready to break as I could sit here and type entries for the rest of the afternoon!). I even went and added a new hobby to the mix, just because I didn't feel bad enough for not getting everything done for the last year. So now there is knitting...HOWEVER, it can be done late at night, on the couch, in front of the mind-melting television no problem, so this one actually has potential. If you have a cat, and I know you, you'll soon have some knit cat toys from me:) Or a cat-dog, Melissa:)
Back to my inability to accomplish. I had to go to the bank today, get gas and hit the grocery store. I was so psyched that I could accomplish all of this in one parking lot. PS I even got bonus points for being able to do my banking out of the car, which was totally unexpected! Once upon a time, I hated all these chores with a passion and tried my best to procrastinate over them until I absolutely needed gas, food, or money. Envision a bedraggled, hungry Lisa, humping it to the Burger King a block away, carrying pocket change I dug out of the couch, in hopes that it would buy me enough french fries to make it to the next meal...;) If I could go back in time, I'd grab PastLisa and shake the crap out of her because getting those three chores accomplished took like 30 seconds back in the day. Naps and feedings aside, it takes FOREVER to get out the door. I get us all fed, then him dressed, me dressed, find my shoes (impossible), find his (more impossible), get my coat, his coat, oh yeah it's cold...get his hat and mittens but skip mine because the car will warm up soon enough; don't forget the diaper bag, one last trip to the bathroom at this point (the other day I had 3 of these before official leaving, it took THAT long), and finally we make it into the car...and I sigh and think to myself, I bet it's going to be time for him to eat in a few minutes and we haven't even left! Given, he has a wack job of an eating schedule right now, but I'm really tired of going through a whole process to do something, only to have to repeat that process before the thing that needed to get done was even accomplished. Phew...there is my vent. I know, I know, welcome to the land of having children...it just seems like everyone else has themselves together, and I feel like at any moment everything here is going to explode! A few of my friends are heading into 2-child land...I can't even imagine!!
So needless to say, accomplishing more of a variety of "stuff" (that is stuff beyond cooking, cleaning, and playing with the baby) is my new years resolution (which I'm ready to break as I could sit here and type entries for the rest of the afternoon!). I even went and added a new hobby to the mix, just because I didn't feel bad enough for not getting everything done for the last year. So now there is knitting...HOWEVER, it can be done late at night, on the couch, in front of the mind-melting television no problem, so this one actually has potential. If you have a cat, and I know you, you'll soon have some knit cat toys from me:) Or a cat-dog, Melissa:)
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